5 Benefits of Physical Exercise You Need to Know

Hearing the word physical exercise or sports you might have imagined how tiring and difficult it is to do this activity. In fact, if you skip it just because you are lazy, you will waste a variety of benefits. According to some studies, regular physical exercise not only makes the body feel fit, but can also improve mental health. Including reducing stress and depression, and helps you control your emotions.

Various Benefits of Physical Exercise for Health

The following are some of the benefits of regular physical exercise, which is a shame if you miss:
  • Reducing the risk of serious illness

  • People who often do physical exercise will avoid various risks of serious diseases, such as bone loss (osteoporosis) which can affect hip fractures, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, inflammation of the joints (osteoarthritis), decreased power of mind in the elderly (dementia ), heart disease, metabolic syndrome and premature death.
  • Control emotions (mood)

  • Not only improves physical health, physical exercise can also make your mood more controlled. Physical exercise can trigger the release of endorphins which can suppress pain or cause pleasure and comfort, so that emotions are more controlled.
  • Increase energy

  • Regular physical exercise can facilitate the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to various body tissues and help the cardiovascular system work more effectively. When the heart system, blood vessels and lungs work properly, the body will get more energy to carry out daily activities.
  • Makes you sleep better

  • Not only mood and energy can increase, physical exercise can also make you sleep more soundly. But remember, too tired or too powerful can also make you have trouble sleeping. So, avoid physical exercise just before bedtime.
  • Have an ideal body weight

  • For those of you who already have an ideal body weight and want to continue to maintain it need to do physical exercise at least about two hours a week. For those of you who are overweight, in addition to doing regular physical exercise, also need to maintain a healthy diet and pay attention to the number of calories you consume.
Although relatively mild, but do not rush to do heavy physical exercise. Start with light physical exercise first. You can start by doing several physical training sessions a week with a duration of 30 minutes per session. Active doing physical exercise regularly can increase endurance and make you feel better. Balance by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you have certain health conditions or have not exercised for a long time, consult your doctor first to get appropriate exercise recommendations.


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