Blood Enhancing Fruits and Vegetables for People with Anemia
Anemia is a condition of decreased levels of hemoglobin in red blood cells. That happens when someone is deficient in iron from daily intake or experiences certain medical conditions. To help prevent and overcome anemia, you can consume blood-rich fruits and vegetables that are rich in iron. Iron is an important element that the body needs to make hemoglobin. Then hemoglobin will carry oxygen to muscles and to all body tissues. So iron helps keep the body from lacking oxygen and can function effectively. Various Types of Fruits and Vegetables for Anemia The following are some types of blood-boosting fruits and vegetables that are good for those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia: Spinach In 1 bowl of spinach there is about 6.5 mg of iron. Spinach can be an excellent source of iron for those of you who have anemia. Not only is it rich in iron, spinach also contains calcium, fiber, protein, vitamin A and vitamin E. But it is recommended that spinach be processed first, su...